Our Top Reports in 2019

Each month, the Trendicators research division of Engage2Excel publishes reports based on original data from our nationwide surveys as well as insights and best practices from industry leaders and experts.
The survey data we collect is unique in the industry in that it documents the preferences and perceptions of employees and job seekers across all major industries and job types with proportionate representation of gender, age group and racial/ethnic origin.
Distributed to a subscriber base of more than 75,000 individuals, Trendicators reports seek to bring a fresh perspective to the topics and trends that are of interest to HR and business executives.
This report presents highlights from our most popular downloads, covering a wide range of subjects related to employee engagement, recognition and recruiting. To access the full versions of these and other reports, visit engage2excel.com/resources.
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Why Do Employees Leave?
Concern over employee retention was no doubt responsible for the popularity of our report, Why Do Employees Leave?, which is based on a regression analysis of a survey of 5,000 individuals. To understand the drivers for turnover and retention, we analyzed the differences in response rates for employees who expressed their intent to leave their organization “within the next 12 months” and those who intended to stay. As the results below show, the organizations doing a better job of retaining staff are those who attend to issues of fair compensation and whose managers are involved in the growth and development of subordinate employees.
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The Career Experience Continuum
Engage2Excel conducts ongoing research to provide employers with practical, evidence-based guidance for improving career experiences at influential points across the talent life cycle. The table below is from our report titled, The Career Experience Continuum, which presents ideas on how to attract, motivate and retain employees from pre-hire to retirement. Organized according to three phases of the talent life cycle, these survey results spotlight important retention and separation influences, as seen through the eyes of employees.
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Job Seeker Survey Reports
The 2019 Job Seeker Survey Report (Parts 1-3) explores the perceptions of active and passive candidates with regard to the role of recognition throughout the recruitment process, perceptions of the recruitment process itself and perceptions about pre-boarding and onboarding. Survey highlights from these reports, shown below, paint a clear picture of what candidates really want. Lack of respect is the second most important reason employees leave employers. Similarly, a significant majority of candidates say being recognized for positive behaviors is important at each stage of the hiring process.
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Great Recognition Moments
Employee recognition plays a vital role in influencing the attitudes and actions of employees, and motivating and celebrating behaviors that bring company values, aspirations and policies to life. Our Great Recognition Moments report presents insights, strategies and examples from eight Engage2Excel clients that do an exceptional job of integrating recognition into operations and the daily experiences of employees. The programs represented include different types and styles of recognition for performance, safety, demonstration of core values and employee loyalty.
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Great Recognition Moments
Every week, more than 150 million Americans go to work with the expectation that they will make decisions that are in the best interest of the company they work for and its customers. The organizations featured in our Great Recognition Moments report make a difference in the daily lives of employees by demonstrating the respect and appreciation that employees crave and promoting the values and behaviors that lead to exceptional performance. Engage2Excel thanks each of our featured organizations for their commitment to making recognition matter by creating compelling, in-the-moment recognition experiences for employees.
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The Remote Workforce
Nearly three-quarters of millennials express a desire to have more opportunities to work remotely. What influence does working remotely have on key drivers for engagement? To find out, we conducted a regression analysis of data collected via our nationwide survey of 5,000 U.S. employees. The results presented in our report titled, The Remote Workforce, reveal that individuals who work remotely at least one day a week have a greater tendency to experience recognition from their manager and organization and are more likely to report that their manager has made a personal investment in their growth and development.
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Employee Recognition Budgeting
In our report, Employee Recognition Budgeting, we offer practical guidance for building your employee recognition budget and your strategy for tracking, managing and ensuring accountability for the alignment of recognition programs with enterprise goals and objectives. As a first step, we offer this starting point for defining recognition and what it means to your organization:
Employee recognition is the acknowledgment of a company’s staff for exemplary performance and tenure with the organization. The goal of employee recognition is to reinforce particular behaviors, practices or activities that result in better performance and positive business results.
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